The WKSF World Championship 2022  was a success, From 2 to 5 of June,  the city of Maia received more than 300 lifters and more than 30 countries to compete each other in a great athmosphere to promote Kettlebells and Kettlebell Sport. 

The high standards of WKSF were very clear and the venue received all athletes without any incident. The World´s 2022 had the sponsor of UNLOCK Energy Drink and all athletes got the opportunity to taste and feel the amazing energy drink.

For the 1st time at WKSF, in a partnership with an Anti-Doping Laboratory and on road to WADA Signature, was possible to have 30 Anti-Doping Tests at the event. 

Great Work of all staff and a special thank you to Mr. Eduardo Fonseca for the organization of such an amazing event in Portugal.

Check Here all Protocols

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