Under Italian government decision to cancel first date for WORLD CUP 2021 last month of March it was possible to bring into Italian Championship 2021 this big event during 8-9th of May. The WKSF Direction decided to bring the competition before host World Championship 2021 (also at same venue) and test all protocols to receive delegation and all athletes.
The organization was incredible, our president and official representative of Italy did an amazing job to bring a new atmosphere to our competitions and also to show to all delegations and athletes that it´s possible to organize a great competition alive and bring some confidence to all that will arrive to Italy during next championships in July.
Having several restrictions around world, the competition received athletes from 3 countries; Italy, Ukraine and Belarus and received athletes and clubs from all Italy as Roma, Turbigo, Pescara, Salerno, Livorno, Rimini, Milano, etc.. a sign of returning to a normal life in Italy.
The World Cup / Italian Championship follow all healthy guidelines, with a restricted rules, all athletes used mask, distance between judges, athletes , platforms and also during the awards ceremony. With actual pandemic situation, it was a great event with all security!