The WKSF South America Championship 2022 it was a sucess, a great and hard work of our South America Coordinator and Official Member of Brazil. During 12.11 to 15.11.2022 in the amazing city of Porto Alegre, more than 90 lifters were competing each other in a great athmosphere to promote Kettlebells and Kettlebell Sport. 

The high standards of WKSF were prepared and all WKSF guidelines were followed by the organization. The majority of athletes came from all over Brazil but also from Argentina. The competitions of Classic 10 minutes and 30 minutes Half Marathon were splited in several disciplines with Elite, Amateurs, Masters, Juniors and also Disable competed bringing the spirit of our sport to this amazing event.

WKSF is very proud of all work, the preparation, the high standards, the awards, all staff and all spirit lived together in Brazil. We believe that very soon Brazil is well prepared to host a bigger event!

Great Work of all staff and a special thank you to Mr. Christian Thier and all team!

Check Here all Protocols

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