In Hungary, during 4 days, more than 30 nations and more than 500 registrations were able to compete at the World Championship 2023. It was hosted in Hódmezovásárely city, a very cultural city between Serbia and Romania, with a high temperature in the region, the atmosphere was great and the spirit, was well!

After a sponsors issues, the organization was obligated to change the local of the Championship, a hard decision and tough to all. The organization with a large number of staff to help was the high standard of the competition. The high temperature didn´t help, but with the air conditioning instalation and some fans on each platform helped the athletes, judges and all inside the venue.

For WKSF staff and Secretary was a really hard work, with new regulations with the coefficients, brought a extra effort to do not have any mistakes and make everything work. It was a challenge to all and all were great on the biggest and large event of WKSF.

Great Work of all staff and a special thank you to Ms. Katalin Nemeth and all team!

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