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Rights & Responsabilities

Rights and responsibilities of Athletes


To be informed of and comply with all applicable anti-doping policies and rules.

– Know the anti-doping rules is fundamental!


To be informed of and comply with all applicable anti-doping policies and rules.

– The athletes must be availables for testing.

Athlete must be informed and infom personal or club medical staff and be awared to not use prohibited substances and prohibited methods and taking responsibility to ensure that any medical treatment does not violate anti- doping policies and rules.

– Tell doctors and medics that you are an athlete and cannot use banned substances and/or methods. Check all medication does not contain a banned substance before you take it. Ask for help if you are unsure (you can contact directly the WKSF and WKSF Anti-Doping Commission).

– Inform the national team board of any doubt to be clarify before athlete preparation training program or competing event.

To disclose to the National Anti-Doping Organization (NADO) and WKSF any decision made by an Anti-Doping Organization (ADO) that is not a Code Signatory relating to committing an anti-doping rule violation (ADRV) within the previous ten years.

– Tell your NADO or WKSF if you have committed an ADRV in the last 10 years

To take responsibility for what you ingest and use

– Your body, your responsibility.

To cooperate with ADOs investigating ADRVs.

– Help with an anti-doping investigation when asked to.

To disclose the identity of your athlete support personnel to any ADO with authority over you that requests it.

– Share information about those who support you (coach, physiotherapist, doctor) if asked

WKSF Sponsors for 2022 Anti-Doping Campaign