Ilika Oleh (Italy)

Bach Frans (Denmark)
First Vice-President

Fonseca Eduardo (Portugal)
General Secretary

Dear Friends!

World Kettlebell Sport Federation (WKSF) has been founded on October 15th 2017 in Greece and on November 22nd 2017 in Milan. Because of the recent bent and deviant politics, I felt the need to build up a new federation voted for the ethical development of our sport. Following a mutual though, I wish to incorporate all the nations that want to move together towards a common goal. Sponsorship of Kettlebell Sport is our mutual aim and we want to achieve it through practical demonstration in all over the world and within the country member: the main purpose is to raise the level of the organization of our events not only in the elite championship but also in the amateur and students level. We are laying the foundations for a huge and complex project with clear, defined and ethical guide lines for all the members of the WKSF: everyone of us will have the opportunity to work with a purpose and to collaborate to make this process effective.

One of the most delicate spot to face with is the economical management. This is the starting point for comply the big project we are building up from the better quality of the organization of championship to the improvement of the facilities for our athletes, trainers and members. For that reason, it is vital to create a marketing plan, in and out the federation.

Here following, there are all the key points summarized:

– Realize WKSF identity
– Affiliate to CIO organizations and to WADA
– Organize world and national championship, continental championship and cup
– Organize and develop challenge for disabled people and develop challenge for students
– Standardize challenge equipment and parameters
– Extend and research new sponsorship
– Amplify live streaming and tv connection for main events and optimize electronics devices to help the WKSF management

As president, I am responsible for doing all that is necessary to reach and obtain all we are working for.

My dear friends, I give you all my best wishes.

Future is built only together.

Oleh Ilika, WKSF President

Dear Friends,

Welcome to World Kettlebell Sport Federation! It´s a great honour to be the WKSF General Secretary and I’m looking forward to know more of each of you and your passion for our lovely sport.

This is an important time for our sport, the WKSF foundation was the right time for a new Era: for a future with more democracy, sharing, transparency, more information, more responsibilities, more closeness between all of us to make each of us proud of our tough sport. With different cultures, beliefs, lives and ambitions, I accept with all my heart to take care of each concern you may have, take care of each difficulty you may have and give all my heart for what I believe is my way to lift and live with and for kettlebells and kettlebell sport.

I, as WKSF General Secretary , will make sure that no political or business interests interfere and that the respect I have for our sport will prevail. I will defend the truth for our sport, will defend the principles of our organization, our president and make sure each of you is respected as a Human Being. With humbleness, I will work together with and support all representatives of each country, all delegations, with open arms and heart I will welcome each new country, delegation, coach, lifter, family and make each of you proud of being and believing in our sport.

Personally, since 1976 on sport, being involved in our sport since 2010 and observing all changes and different mentalities around the world, involved on competitions organization, competing, leading our sport in Portugal, promoting our sport in my country and in other countries and continents, I believe I can make you proud of your trust.


Eduardo Fonseca,
WKSF General Secretary